
Build Tasks for Reading Program Organizers

Reading Program Organizers (RPOs) can create Tasks that help engage with participants in reading groups or activities.

With Tasks, an RPO can create any action to take when a reader reaches an award level or milestone in a group or activity. An example is delivering a summer reading incentive like a t-shirt. When a reader reaches the criteria for unlocking the incentive, the task will show that the reader is eligible for the incentive. An RPO can "check off" that a reader, or groups of readers has completed the t-shirt pick up.

RPOs use the "Award and Task" creator on a Group or Activity page to access the Task panel.

Tasks are for internal staff-use only. Reading program participants cannot access to view Tasks.

Do the following to create a Task:

  1. While on a Group or Activity page, click the "Awards and Tasks" button.
  2. Click "Create Task" button.
  3. Enter a Task Title, it's best to make descriptive, unambiguous phrase.
  4. Enter a Task Description.  This can be instructions or notes that staff needs to know in relation to the Task.
  5. Set the Task Trigger. The trigger makes it such that when a reader achieves a specific award, the reader becomes eligible for the Task. The possible triggers that appear will be the awards that are available for the given Group or Activity. You can also select "No Trigger" if the task will not be associated with an award.
  6. Click Create Task

Once a Task is created, you will see it in the Awards and Tasks area. A Task can be edited or deleted anytime.

While viewing the Task in the Awards and Tasks panel, you will see how many readers have earned, or become eligible, for the given task. You can also see how many readers have had the task "checked off" by an RPO.

By clicking the menu, the three dots on the top right of the panel, you can view how many readers are eligible for the Task. From here, you can download a CSV file of the Task. You can also "check off" task completions, search for readers and sort readers by name, date of task completion and the Task completion.

By default, the readers who have completed a Task will appear on the bottom of the list. The pop-up will have a column for Awardsa and another for Tasks. It's simple to toggle between the two. There is also a drop-down selector to choose a given Group or Activity with which the reader is or has participate with.

You can access Tasks for an individual on any individual reader page. Click "Awards and Tasks" on any reader page to see which Awards and Task the reader has completed or has yet to complete. You can also "check off" a given task on the reader's page.

Tasks are endlessly flexible and can be added or edited anytime, even in the middle of a program.