Adding Readers and Internal Readers

Adding and Handling Internal Readers

If you have patron or student who cannot or will not participate in your reading programs via the mobile app, you can create them as an Internal Reader.


An internal reader will be completely managed by the Reading Program Organizer (RPO), they will not have access to their Reader Zone account or data through the app or the website.  

The RPO can convert an Internal Reader Account to a conventional account that the reader can manage at any time.

To add an Internal Reader, do the following:

1. Visit the "Add/Invite Readers" area of the dashboard.

2. Click the "Add/Invite Readers" button in the center of the screen.

‍3. Enter a Reader's first and last name.

4. Select the "Internal Reader" option.

5. Enter the first name and last name of the reader.

5. Select the Group(s) and Activity(ies) to which you will add the reader.

6. Click "Done" at the bottom right of the pop up.

The reader will now appear in the groups and activities along with the other readers in the groups or activities.

With the new reader in you account, you can make a reading entry for the reader any time by clicking the "Add Entry" button on the reader's individual page or the reading group or activity screen.

Internal Readers can be added to, removed from other reading programs and groups/activities as needed. On the dashboard, Internal Readers are listed as "Internal Readers".

Data for Internal readers will aggregate just like any other reader type.

If you decide at a later point to hand the account off to the reader do the following"

1. visit the reader's page and click the "Reader Information" button at the top of the screen.

2. Under the "Reader Information" tab, there is a button that says "Link Account".

3. Click the "Link Account" button. add an email address for the reader and click "Save"

4. The reader will receive an email that invites them to finish account creation and manage their own account.