How Reading Groups work and how to create new Reading Groups.
Reader Zone is all about Reading Groups! Goals are made and all reading data is collected at the group level.
With your Reading Program(s) set up, you’re ready to think about how many groups you need and what their various goals will be.
One elementary school can have a single Reading Program, then groups for each grade, classroom or other designation.
It’s simple to create reading groups. After you create a reading group, you will be immediately prompted to create a reading group. When you click on either the Create a Reading Group or the Add a Reading Group button, a menu will appear on the screen.
Enter the name of the reading group. It’s best to use a descriptive name such as “Mrs. Smith’s 4th Grade Readers”. This way, your participants will know which group within a reading program to join when they enter a reading program code.
After creating your fist reading group, you will be immediately prompted to create a reading goal. If you choose not to create a reading goal, you can add more reading groups by clicking on the “+ Group” icon at the bottom right of the Groups page for a given Reading Program.
You reading groups will appear in list form when you view the associated reading program on the organizer dashboard page.
*Best Practices: